Salon Lilli

35 people

Salon Lilli

35 people

Salon Lilli

35 people

Conference location Berlin area at a lake

Salon Lilli - 42 m2

Salon Lilli on the 1st floor in the Kornspeicher building is ideal for small meetings, seminars or workshops. A waxed industrial concrete floor, an open wood and glass construction with historical mechanics give the room its particularly inspiring atmosphere. A permanently installed projector with USB interface and a built-in screen ensure that work can start smoothly and quickly. Salon Lilli is located next to the Margret and Annelise salons.

  • view: north, west with lake view
  • room height: 2.60 m
  • daylight, no shading required
  • permanently installed projector & screen
  • open wooden construction, brick wall
  • historical engines & mechanics
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

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virtual 3D tour

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