Economy for the common good

Climate positive meetings

Herzlich Willkommen

Economy for the common good

Climate positive meetings

Conference hotel with economy for the common good

Create real wealth.

Why companies certified for the common good are more sustainable.


The Landgut STOBER estate is certified for the common good and thus assumes particular responsibility for a social, ecological and economic reorganization in society. With an overall result of 690 points, Landgut Stober is the highest newcomer and confirms once again that sustainability is not an "add on" here, but an integral part of everything we do. For more information see:

Michael Stober started in 2000 with a vision. In doing so, he was guided by the spirit of the old Borsigs, who played an outstanding role in innovative, social and sustainable action as early as the 19th century. Because what hardly anyone knows today: August Borsig was one of the first big industrialists to set the course for today's welfare state early on by building a sustainable and balanced social infrastructure for his workers.

But what does that mean, economy for the common good? And how does the Landgut STOBER estate look like? Economy for the common good refers to an economic system that is built on values ​​that promote the common good. It is a lever for change on an economic, political and social level.

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