Salon Ernst

180 people

Salon Ernst

180 people

Salon Ernst

180 people

Sustainable conference location Berlin Brandenburg at the lake

Salon Ernst - 154 m2

The daylit Salon Ernst on the first floor of the Rinderstall building guarantees a private working atmosphere in which participants are completely among themselves - the ideal setting for exclusive meetings and conferences of all sizes. A wide window front provides an unobstructed view of the lake, yet the room can be darkened. Wireless Internet access and the latest technical equipment round off the facilities. A supply and exhaust air system with heat recovery and rainwater toilet flushing ensure an ecologically correct ambience.

  • west facing, lake view
  • room height: 2.6 - 4.5 m
  • darkeing possible
  • oak parquet flooring
  • PA, radio microphone
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

inquire conference
room booking
virtual 3D tour

Inquire conference

Inquiry form conferences

What is the sum of 2 and 9?