
Press reports

Meeting in a climate-positive way

Buga in Groß Behnitz / Havelland 2015

Conferences between history and sustainability

GROSS BEHNITZ. The actual five experience centers of Buga 2015 stretch for kilometers along the Havel: Brandenburg an der Havel. Premnitz, Rathenow. Stolin and Havelberg in Saxony-Anhalt. Anyone who wants a Buga reference must meet certain quality standards set by the management of the Buga special purpose association. “After a few minutes of my first visit to the estate, it was clear to me that this ensemble definitely had to be part of the Buga,” said Erhard Skupch. Not only the former Borsig estate, which has now been largely renovated, but also the neighboring organic farm, which opened last year The hotel and the culinary offerings in the “Seeterrassen” restaurant would speak for this. In addition, the cooperation agreement with the estate will “close the gap towards Berlin,” says Skupch. “We are expecting around 500,000 visitors from the capital.”

Michael Stober is sure that “both sides will benefit from this cooperation”. The mutual promotion of each other will bring many Buga visitors to Groß Behnitz, especially those who want to stay overnight in the region. If you buy a day ticket for Buga 2015, you can use it for six months and visit all the main and reference locations without having to pay extra.

The estate will also be integrated into the Buga planning for the events. “We plan the big events so that they don’t take place in parallel, but every visitor can see everything,” assured the head of the association. It is not yet possible to say what exactly will happen in Groß Behnitz. Stober only revealed this much: "An event with the Havelland Music Festival is being prepared, to which thousands of visitors are expected.

"There will also be cultural and art offerings as well as normal tours of the area. You can get a maintenance certificate for fat Berta. "If you want, you can tinker with the old steam engine from Borsig's time, which is in the distillery," explained the estate owner. Afterwards you will receive a certificate.

Unfortunately there will be no bus shuttle between the Brandenburg an der Havel region or Rathenow Groß Behnitz during the Buga. “We have enough to do with regulating local transport between the main towns,” said Skupch. But at least Buga guests should be able to travel back and forth through the forest between Ribbeck and Groß Behnitz in either carriages or minibuses. A special permit for the buses has already been applied for.

And because there is a garden show in 2015, the historic park at Lake Behnitz will be renatured. The Havelland district provides funds for this. (By Jens Wegener)


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