Salon Conrad

200 people

Salon Conrad

200 people

Salon Conrad

200 people

Meetings in a historical ambience Berlin Brandenburg at the lake

Salon Conrad - 178 m2

Salon Conrad is located on the first floor of the Rinderstall building and guarantees a very private working atmosphere in which the participants are completely among themselves, thus offering the ideal setting for exclusive meetings and conferences of all sizes. Salon Conrad, which can be connected to Salon Arnold, has natural daylight but can still be darkened, wireless Internet access and the latest technical equipment round off the facilities, including a 4 x 2.5 m LED wall.

  • west facing, lake view
  • room height: 2.6 - 4.5 m
  • darkeing possible
  • oak parquet flooring
  • PA, radio microphone, LED-wall
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

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