Salon August

750 people

Salon August

750 people

Salon August

750 people

Salon August

750 people

Green meetings Berlin Brandenburg at the lake

Salon August - 597 m2

Salon August is located on the ground floor of the Rinderstall building and has five ground-level entrances from the courtyard side and a driveway suitable for cars into the salon. Historic terracotta flooring. This large salon for concerts for up to 750 people impresses with its excellent acoustics thanks to the wide-span Prussian cap ceiling with steel columns. Stage approx. 45 m² plus rear area. Wireless microphones and professional acoustic system. Projector with screen projection for image transmission at large conferences.

  • view: west
  • room height: 3.00 - 3.60 m
  • historical brick floor
  • passable by passenger car
  • PA and wireless microphones
  • no darkeing possible
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

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