Conrad Arnold Ernst

620 people

Conrad Arnold Ernst

620 people

Conrad Arnold Ernst

620 people

Climate positive conference Berlin Brandenburg

Salon Conrad Arnold Ernst - 505 m2

These three salons - as combination - are located on the first floor of the Rinderstall building and can be reached via two direct street-side entrances. An open anteroom is ideal for champagne receptions or information stands. The rooms, which are positioned one behind the other, all have a view of the lake and a fantastic panorama of Landgut Stober. Mobile partition walls make it easy to combine all three salons. Solar control glazing and a generous skylight in each room ensure an optimally bright conference atmosphere. All three rooms are equipped with professional acoustic systems, central floor sockets and central media control.

  • view: west
  • courtyard- & lake view
  • room height: 2.60 - 4.50 m
  • window darkening possible
  • oak parquet flooring
  • PA and wireless microphone
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

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