Salon Stella

35 people

Salon Stella

35 people

Salon Stella

35 people

Climate-neutral meetings in Berlin Brandenburg at a lake

Salon Stella - 41 m2

The Salon Stella is located on the ground floor of the Kornspeicher building and has its own warm charm thanks to the red brick walls and very large mullioned windows with round arches. This contrasts with the waxed concrete screed and the ultra-modern lighting system. Two large brick arches round off the rustic yet modern ambience. If your gaze does wander outside, it will fall on a 400-year-old olive tree and a 500-year-old oak tree and the former highly representative gate of the Landgut. Perfect for smaller meetings.

  • view: south, east
  • room height: 3.4 - 4.1 m
  • currently no darkening possible
  • waxed screed floor covering
  • barrier-free access

Landgut Stober

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